Before meeting Lee, I wasn’t a huge fan of hand-engraved jewelry. But, even being in the shop the short amount of time that I have, I have been converted to the house of engraving and am now a loyal devotee. Some days I just sit down and look at the before and after pictures of rings we’ve created and am amazed at how far a little engraved flourish can take a ring. That’s why I wanted to share some before and afters with you all, so you, too, can be amazed at how hand-engraving jewelry can take it from beautiful to extraordinary.
The first ring I want to share is a lovely diamond and ruby engagement ring we created for a newly-engaged couple. Our buyer wanted something beautiful and classic for his lady love. Nothing too ostentatious, but significant, and with a touch of another color. What he and Lee came up with was a classic halo engagement ring, but instead of the traditional white diamond halo, they would set it with rubies instead. With a simple band, the ring would be classic and elegant, and to make it a little more special, they would finish it with some hand-engraving.
After Lee finalized the ring’s creation, he gave it to me for a photo shoot, and it was lovely on it’s own. But it wasn’t until it came back from the engraver, and I took some more photos, that I was stunned how head-turning this elegant ring had become. With filigree details now enhancing the white gold shank, it made the entire ring sparkle and shimmer as much as the diamond in the center. Take a look at the fantastic before and afters, and let us know if it makes you wanna hop on the hand engraving bus, too!
